Created in collaboration with acclaimed chef and restaurateur Todd English and renowned architect Jeffrey Beers, The Plaza Food Hall presents a diverse range of quality specialty foods and prepared dishes to take away or enjoy in one of eight seating areas.
Our Solution
- Promote PR initiatives to solidify and elevate The Plaza Food Hall’s presence and prestige as the first European style Food Hall in the U.S. through strategic partnerships, product placement and co-branded events
- Strategic Partnership with Crain’s New York Business to hold their first ever subscriber event at The Food Hall
- Target local buildings around The Plaza to spread awareness i.e) Gift tote with merchandise to Human Resource Directors in surrounding buildings
- Partnership with NYC & Co. Restaurant Week with pre-set lunch and dinner menu
- Brand ambassadors on the streets – hire actors to promote business and hand out gift cards in key NYC neighborhoods
Magrino was able to secure several hundred million media impressions for The Food Hall, and assist in cementing its place as one of the first food halls of its type in New York.